Foiled chicken

4 cup boneless chicken cut into cubes
1 tsp salt
¼ tsp Chinese salt
1 tsp roasted and ground cumin seed
¼ tsp black pepper
¼ tsp white pepper
1 tsp all spices
1 tbsp ginger/garlic paste
4-5 green chillies chopped
1 cup potatoes boiled cut into cubes
½ cup boiled peas
1 cup carrots cut into strips
¼ cup capsicum cut into cubes
¼ cup cabbage chopped
4 tbsp Soya sauce

Boil chicken with ginger/garlic paste, salt, Chinese salt, cumin seed, black pepper, white pepper, Soya sauce and green chillies till it becomes tender. In another pan, heat the oil and fry all the vegetables for 15 minutes. Wrap the chicken pieces and vegetables in four or five foil papers and serve them hot at dinner with tomato sauce and French fries.

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