Chicken Spread

Delicious homemade chicken spread that you can preserve for long time.

Chicken 1/2 kg 
Egg 1 
Salt 1/2 tsp 
Chinese salt 1/2 tsp 
White pepper 1/2 tsp 
Sugar 1tsp 
Mustard powder 1/4 tsp 
Vinegar 2 tsp 
Oil 1 cup 
White vineger 1/2 cup 
Black pepper 1/4 tsp 

- In a bowl mix egg, salt, Chinese salt, mustard powder, sugar and vinegar. 
Now put this mixture in a blender and blend for about 1 minute. 
- Gradually Add oil while blending it until it forms into a smooth paste and oil blends in thoroughly. 
- In a seperate pan add chicken and white vinegar and cook on medium heat until the chicken becomes tender. Don't add water. 
- when the vinegar becomes dry and chicken is tender turn off the heat. 
- Shred the chicken into thin pieces, Add black pepper. 
- Add this chicken into the mayonnaise we made earlier to make a spread. Mix well. 
- Delicious home made chicken spread is ready. 
- You can preserve this spread for 4-6 weeks in refrigerator. 

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