Lassi - Yogurt Drink

Lassi is made in two ways  either sweet or salty. On a hot sunny day it is only natural to quench one's thirst with a tall glass of Lassi.

Sweet Lassi

    1 cup of yogurt
    ½ a cup of water
    ½ a cup of ice cubes
    3 to 5 teaspoons of sugar
  A pinch of salt

    A dollop of plain yogurt for garnishing

    Blend all the ingredients at high speed till frothy.
    Add a dollop of fresh yogurt on top.
    Makes two to three glasses of Lassi.

Salty Lassi

    This Salty Lassi is spiced with cumin and is a great refreshing drink in the summer.

    1 tsp cumin seeds
    1 cup plain yogurt
    1 cup chilled milk
    2 teaspoons lemon juice
    1/2 to 1 tsp salt
    1/2 cup of ice cubes

    A dollop of plain yogurt for garnishing

        Dry roast ( What is Dry roasting?)  the cumin seeds for a few minutes until you start getting a wonderful aroma.  Cool and grind to a coarse consistency. In a blender blend all the ingredients. Top it up with a dollop of yogurt. Serve chilled.

        Makes 4 servings.

        Note : Using fat free yogurt is a splendid way of making a "guilt free" cool summer drink.

Mango Lassi

    1 cup plain yogurt
    1/2 cup mango pulp (fresh or canned)
    1 cup crushed ice
    3 table spoons sugar / Use sugar substitute if desired

    Blend all of the above. Add a little water if the consistency is too thick. Keep refrigerated.
    Serve chilled. Makes 4 servings.

     Dry Roasting : This term is used to describe the process of heating spices on medium high heat in a shallow frying pan without any oil. This dry sautéing is done until the natural oils in the spices  start emitting their natural aroma and the spice is lightly toasted. Individual spices are lightly toasted this way before they are ground so as to extract the maximum flavor from the spice.

    This process works very well to rejuvenate the old spices sitting in your cupboards.  Dry roasting them will bring out their flavors.

Pineapple Lassi

    1 cup ripe, fresh pineapple (peeled and diced)
    125 ml/1/2 cup plain, natural yoghurt
    125 ml/1/2 cup water
    2 tbsp sugar
    cup ice cubes

    Place all ingredients in the jug of an electric blender or food processor and blend until smooth. Pour into chilled glasses and serve immediately.

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