How To Make Ghee

Ghee: is clarified butter and is widely used in food preparations.

Ghee can be made by heating unsalted butter on medium heat for 25 to 30 minutes until it is clear. It is then strained and stored for future use.

It adds a lot of flavor to the recipe when used. Ghee is mostly used in sautéing and less commonly for deep-frying. It is very high in saturated fat, therefore should be used sparingly. It is available in grocery stores in a bottle.

Unlike butter, ghee can be stored for extended periods without refrigeration, provided it is kept in an airtight container to prevent oxidation and that it remains moisture-free. Don’t ladle out the ghee with a wet spoon or allow any water to get into the container, as this will create conditions for bacteria to grow and spoil the ghee.

This extended life is due to the destruction of microbes and enzymes during simmering and the removal of water. Also unlike butter, ghee can be heated to its smoke point without discoloring or developing a burnt taste, making it superior for deep frying. In fact, until refined vegetable oil came into popular use in Pakistan, ghee was the mainstay of all fried dishes.

Properly made ghee should be semi-liquid at room temperature. Better-quality ghee is a rich golden color.

Ghee is used widely in India, even though it is high in saturated fats. In ayurvedic medicine it is highly regarded to create a balance.

Ayurvedic texts, however, describe many diverse mind/body benefits. For example,

    Absorption: Ghee is an integral part of the science of ayurvedic herbal formulation. Since ghee is an oil, it can bond with lipid-soluble nutrients and herbs to penetrate the lipid-based cell walls of the body. It is stated to increase the potency of certain herbs by carrying the active components to the interior of the cells where they impart the most benefit.

    Digestion: The ayurvedic texts say that Ghee helps balance excess stomach acid, and helps maintain/repair the mucus lining of the stomach.

    Mild Burns: Like aloe, Ghee is said to prevent blisters and scarring if applied quickly to affected skin.

    Mind: Ghee is said to promote all three aspects of mental functioning -- learning, memory and recall.

    Ayurvedic Balance: Ghee balances both Vata (the dosha that controls movement in mind and body) and Pitta (the dosha that controls heat and metabolism).

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