Indian Mix Vegetable Soup

Mix vegetable Soups are generally considered very nutritious. Here at simple easy recipes, I will be sharing with you some of my best soup recipes like meat soup, chicken soup, sweet and sour soup, fruit soup, and creamy soup. In India and Pakistan, soups are usually made with local ingredients this means local spices.


     1 cup carrot (cut into small pieces)
     1 cup potato (cut into small and cubes shapes)
     1/2 cup turnip (cut into small pieces)
     1/2 cup tomato chopped
     1/2 cup onion chopped
     1/2 cup cabbage chopped
     4 small green chilies
     2 tbsp corn flour
     1 tsp white pepper
     1 tsp soy sauce
     1 tsp vinegar
     Salt to taste
     1/2 tsp ginger powder
     1/2 tsp garlic granules
     1/3 cup vegetable oil
     1 tbsp fresh coriander leaves


In a large pot, boil 1 glass of water and add carrot, potatoes, turnip, onion, and tomato. Cook 8-10 minutes on low flame.

Now cook vegetable until nicely soften. When the vegetables are cooked, add chopped cabbage, chopped green chilies, white pepper powder, salt, vinegar, soy sauce, ginger powder, garlic granules and vegetable oil, cook 5-7 minutes on a low heat.

Add cornflour to a cup of water, mix well. Add it to the soup and mix till the soup thickness.

Delicious mix vegetable soup is ready to serve. Garnish by fresh coriander leaves and serve pipping hot with bread or tomato chili sauce.

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