Grilling Technique

First of all grilling is a lot like broiling. Both use direct heat, but when grilling the heat source comes from below and when broiling the heat source is from above. Both methods are great when cooking tender cuts of beef, chicken, fish and vegetables. Make sure whatever you are cooking isn’t too thick or it will burn on the exterior by the time the inside is done. Although grilling is considered a healthy way of cooking because much of the fat will drip into the fire, be careful to avoid flare-ups from the fat. Not only will you potentially burn what you are cooking and give it an acrid flavor; you can create a nasty fire hazard.

When I was growing up my father (the self-appointed grill master) only used charcoal as a fuel source. (I’m not even sure they had gas barbecues back then.) He made the common mistake of not using enough charcoal at the start or replacing it when it burned down. Result, the food never seared properly so the juices were released and the meat dried out.

He also used the self-starting charcoal briquettes that gave the food a funky chemical taste. I’ve been told you can buy real lump charcoal with no additives and it makes a big difference, but I’ve never been able to find it so I opted for a gas grill. Easy to control the heat and even easier to maintain. I’ve even experimented with adding some pre-soaked chunks of Hickory wood to give an additional boost of flavor.

Clean Grill

It’s critical you start with a clean grill. There’s nothing worse than grilling a beautiful Filet Mignon and having it taste like red snapper. The time to remove all the residue with a wire brush is right after you finish cooking while the grate is still hot. If you wait until it’s time to start cooking, some of the scrapings can fall into the flames and cause a flare-up. Before you begin heating the grill, brush it or spray it with a little vegetable oil to prevent food from sticking. This is especially important if you are using a sugary basting sauce.

Burgers grilling on the barbequeHot Grill

It’s also vital that your grill is hot well before you start. Many of us, especially with gas grills, wait until right before we start cooking before we crank up the heat. Mistake. Preheat that grill 15 to 30 minutes before you intend to start cooking. Have all your cooking tools ready and standing by. This not only includes apron and utensils, but seasonings and basting sauces as well. And be sure to have a spray water bottle on hand in case of flare-ups.

Know thy Grill

Every grill is different and will have different hot and cool spots. It’s important you learn where they are and use them to your advantage.
Prepping ingredients

If you’re grilling up a steak you may want to cut off any excess fat and season with a little salt before you start. However with chicken, you may want to pre-cook it in the microwave or oven to cut down on cooking time and give you more control of browning. With fish filets, I like to place them in a zip lock bag with a little olive oil and herbs but you can also prepare a glaze to coat them just before grilling. Remember to bring items to room temperature before grilling.


Marinades are great for adding flavor to what you are grilling. Check your cookbooks for which marinades work best for your ingredients. The longer you marinate the better. It’s best to marinate overnight in the refrigerator and if you are going to use it for basting, make sure you boil it first to kill any bacteria that may be present. Also be sure to pat dry the meat, chicken, or fish before grilling so the marinade doesn’t cause flare-ups. Barbecue sauce is used to baste what you are grilling and although commercial barbecue sauces are a big business, the essential ingredients are: tomatoes, vinegar, onion, mustard, and brown sugar. So experiment and create your own special sauce.

How Long Do You Cook It?

I guess the most frequent questions I’m asked are "how long do you cook it for?" and "how can you tell when it’s done?" Although every cookbook you pick up has guidelines for each ingredient, it once again comes back to experience and touch. I would suggest you follow your favorite cookbook guides to grilling but start touching the foods at different intervals to get a feel for firmness and texture.

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