Allo Ki Chat - Potato Chat

4  medium potatoes
1/4  cup imli ka ras
1  teaspoon salt.
1  teaspoon chilli powder
1.5  teaspoon chat masala
1/2  teaspoon khati powder
2  medium tomatoes, diced
1  medium onion sliced
3  green chillis chopped
2  tablespoons coriander leaves, chopped


1. Boil potatoes in plenty of water until tender, about 20 minutes. Peel the potatoes and place them in refrigerator until cold. Cut them into small cubes and keep aside.
2. In a small bowl, put together imli ka rus, salt, chili powder, khati powder and chaat masala, stir to mix the ingredients.
3. In a large bowl combine potatoes, tomatoes, onions, green chilies and coriander leaves.
4. Pour imli mixture over potatoes mixture and stir gently with a wooden spoon to coat the potato with spices. Serve warm or cold. To serve warm microwave for 1 minute.

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