Avocado Milk Shake - Butter Fruit Milk Shake

Butter Fruit can act as a rich source of essential protein for Vegetarians and Vegans. Butter Fruit or Avocado is known for high fiber content and is a good source of Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Potassium, Copper and has high levels of Folate. Folate promotes healthy heart and reduces risk of Stroke. Research studies indicate that Butter Fruit or Avocado can reduce risk of cancer (due to rich presence of carotenoids in Butter Fruit), help lower cholesterol, can help control blood pressure(since Butter Fruit is a rich source for potassium).

Unlike most other fruits, Butter Fruit is high in fat though most of it is monounsaturated, health enhancing and known to reduce bad cholesterol while maintaining good cholesterol. 

 * Butter Fruit or Avocado – 1
 * Milk – 2 glasses
 * Sugar – 2 Tbsp

1. Cut the Butter Fruit into two pieces; discard the big seed from it. Extract the inner greenish yellow pulp from the fruit with the help of spoon. The green outer covering should be discarded as well.
2. Add milk and sugar to the Butter fruit pulp and grind it in a mixer grinder.
3. Keep the milk shake in a refrigerator for 2 hr. Serve cool.

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